From December 19 2013 to January 16 2014
Fruit of our Loins
Holiday Season Storefront Project
La Galerie des Nanas (Danville)
Storefront Vitrine December 19th, 2013 to January 16th, 2014
Finissage Friday, January 16th, 5-7pm
Group installation by the Gallery of Nanas, for the holiday storefront window at La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse with:
Cybèle Beaudoin-Pilon et Daphné Cheyenne, Martine Birobent, Caro Caron, Dinette, Sam Ectoplasm, Marilène Gaudet, Marion Hanna-Oster, Claudia Léger, Jacinthe Loranger, Céline Malépart, Nadia Nadège, Mimi Traillette
At the time of the ultimate confrontation between the sacred and the pagan – Christmas, what better opportunity to delve into the fruit of our collective wombs ? What’s more, in the city, we sometimes forget that life comes from the earth and from woman. We believe the the urbanity is mother of all that surrounds us, of all that can be stated, especially when it comes to visual arts.
The gallery of the Nanas has opted to relocate feminist art, to recontextualise it in its full rural roots, where one kills and plants still, to nourish, where we help one another to grow politically, where we have a little more time to get things straight.
This rural life, where even the great Jovette Marchesault chose to settle, who left us the 31st of December, 2012, reminds us once again, more than ever, the great fears of this world. It confronts us once again with the feminist struggles of the last millenium, to affront the reign of one way policy-making, of corruption, the yoke of the clergy,who often ride black pickup 4 X 4 modified according to levels of testosterone. How many crosses of the Knights of Columbus, how many crosses of highway deaths, of canons of the Canadian Legions ? How many virgins in front of how many churches, in how many clawfooted bathtubs, planted in the soil – are witnesses of a past, too present and a future that does not come ?
A rural Christmas for the « Main », dizzy with post-post-modernity. We offer a pile of mini virgin-flavoured altars and exceptional votive offerings, for a rereading of the silent depths of Mary and of her fruit that shines like a cathode.